The GRI standard will be officially launched on October 19, 2016.

This Wednesday, October 19, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) will unveil the most updated version of indicators for reporting sustainability and corporate responsibility reports, and its main representatives have announced that they have decided to prepare more than just a guide. Last May they announced that the new update is intended to be a more flexible set of standards aimed at presenting useful information to investors and regulators. We have been informed that the new GRI standards include all the main concepts and disclosures of the G4 Guidelines, presented with clearer language and a new structure that meets the expectations and requirements of a global standard. This presentation makes the content clearer, easier to update and very suitable for inclusion in organizational policies. With the new modular structure, there are three universal standards, applicable to all organizations, as well as a selection of 33 specific standards covering economic, environmental and social issues. It is assumed that this edition will present precise texts to distinguish those criteria that will be required to meet the frequent criticisms of the indicators. Another of the additions revealed by GRI months ago is the shift to digital reporting. In this same sense, it is expected that the tool will be fully integrated with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and that progress will be made in the inclusion of indicators that were outside its structure, such as “diversity”.